I specialize in helping people to make significant changes to their circumstances. If you find yourself doing something you don’t want to do, or living somewhere you don’t want to be, you’re who I help.


How can you help me?

You want to change your job, start a business, move to another country. Maybe you just want to start over. I will help you by sharing with you what I did, and working with you to adapt that experience to your present and future.

Every person is unique, everyone has circumstances that are as individual as their fingerprints. There is no one universal approach to change. Sometimes what you need is a guide, someone to help you find a path of your choice to adventure upon. That’s what I do, help you find a way.

I believe working through these five questions is the foundation of real change:

Where are you?

What are you doing?

What can you do?

What do you want to do?

Where do you want to be?

You get to decide what your life looks like

What are your qualifications?

There is no course or degree for what I do. I help people make real, tangible changes to their circumstances. My qualifications are a life lived successfully embracing change. I believe that change is the motor of life. From birth, the only constant is change. How we change can also be a choice.

Jalisco, Mexico

Book design, build and publish

Website design, building and maintenance


Consultant – Specializing in the intentional changing of circumstances

Single parent

Started, owned and operated a customer service industry business

Father to a daughter

Alberta, Canada

Father to a son

Mentoring employees for specialized job advancement

Responsible for training and managing new recruits

Field supervisor and client/public liaison

Extensive professional back country experience

Little Cayman, Cayman Islands

Resort management experience

Scuba diving instructor

Supervised and built custom homes

Ontario, Canada

Built, owned and operated a licensed café

Computer application research and development

Urban planning and development

Project manager and client liaison

University background in Psychology, Humanities and Linguistics

Formative years spent learning the daily workings of a moderately sized family business

Full time summer employment from age 12. Working with professionals and skilled tradespeople

Can I meet with you before I make any decisions?

Definitely. We will meet online. It’s important that we find out if we would enjoy working together.

Are you a coach?

If coaching means helping you to consider different paths and decide on a course of action, then yes. I consider myself more a consultant, or mentor. Someone who is sharing with you the benefit of experience; with the goal being to achieve a similar result. A guide really.

No one can say for sure what is
on the other side of change,
but you will stand on the
other side of change as more.
You will be more than you were.
You will know more,
and you will have grown.